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The story of Captain de Grammont
Treat yourself to a vacation with a series of adventure novels about the famous
17th-century French corsair Michel de Grammont

He was never a pirate, as some European sources claimed. Almost four hundred years have passed, but his amazing fate turned out to be so bright that historians and experts on the era of filibusters still argue about the probability of the events that took place at that time. A series of unusual adventures will immerse us in the original atmosphere of the 17th century, will allow us to open some of the veils of the secrets of the life of the legendary captain and will not let the esteemed reader go until the last page. book. Do not start in the evening, because in the morning you have to go to work. The work is a work of art and cannot be a historical reference.
With respect. The author.
The book "The Shipyard of Destiny. Captain de Grammont"
Hardcover, velour. 284 pages.
9 $
Printed by: PP "Unisoft" Kharkiv, 2024.
(language: Ukrainian)

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Our creative team is engaged in publishing books of the series "Captain de Grammont". You have a unique opportunity to communicate with the author and express your wishes and ideas for his further work. He will definitely see and respond to all your requests.
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Only here you will receive books about the adventures of Michel de Grammont without additional charges.

Grammon Club

"Shipyard of Destiny" by Sergei Novikov is a book (280 pages) that I read in half a day in one sitting. It was a gift from the parents of children who study at our school. There was also an autograph of the author with my last name, which is related to the profession of criminal law, for which I sincerely thank him. A work about the adventures of Captain de Grammont, a 17th-century French corsair, which will especially captivate teenagers, as it contains treasures of events and stories about a 16-year-old boy. But it took me back to my childhood, when I also loved reading about sea adventures. It was especially touching to read about the Hospitallers at Fort St. Elma in Malta, which my husband and I visited last year. I highly recommend it, because I confirm the author's warning not to start reading in the evening, because in the morning you have to go to work.
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